Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cancer Club Friends...

Cancer Club...
Not a club you ever want to be a part of ...
that is unless you have a cancer diagnosis; then if you are like me and a few others, it is quite the place of blessing.  You see, sometimes camaraderie is a blessing from the Lord.

As my dear husband and I have walked this "cancer journey" in the last 7 months, we have found ourselves drawn to others walking a similar path.  We made new friends and strengthened others. Sometimes we contacted them by phone or email or snail mail.  We had coffee or dessert or dinner with them as we shared this path we have found ourselves on; a path specifically designed by Father God. 

We laughed together, we cried; we prayed  and we talked about what its like to process information that you had hoped you would never have to learn about. Somehow we all felt part of this "club" and were intently thankful for each other.

One of our friends; a male also going thru chemo; wanted to try on my wigs and take pictures of the two cancer patients.  We laughed till we cried.

Another friend and I taught each other how to use a pashmina scarf and make it into a turban type hat for "winter covering".  It was warm and perfect for that season.  We had such a good time; laughter was good for the soul.  We journeyed together thru hair loss, dr. appts and chemotherapy.

Another friend sat whispering with me on the sofa about how to process such a diagnosis and the goal of getting well and the celebration of a cruise she and her husband will take when she finishes chemo and radiation treatment for breast cancer.

This is my cousin from Vancouver, CN who was treated for ovarian cancer and is two years out of treatment.  Doesn't she look healthy and great!!  She taught me how to do this head wrap.
She has been a real encouragement to me.

Sometimes we pray together over the phone or text one another verses from scripture that encouraged us that day.  And yes, on chemo day and other days there are text messages back & forth of encouragement with sentiments of love, care and prayers.

Some journeys are more serious than others.  Some are life threatening and others will recover nicely.  Regardless; cancer is never a fun journey.  BUT God is in control and for each of us; He has a plan for His glory.  Tim & I pray faithfully for these we have come to love and care for.

One of my dear friends has battled approx 7 different cancers in the last 11-12 years.  Linda loves the Lord and has truly been my hero in the last 7 months.  She's the one that called following my diagnosis and reminded me that "even in the seeming mistakes along the way, you will see God's hand and leading".  She was right and she knows first hand.  It so happens that Linda receives Chemo treatments regularly at the Health Campus as did I.  Twice we received chemo at the same time.  It was a blessing to see her smiling face and chat a bit while we were "hooked up".   

Here we are chemo and all.  Glad for the company of "friends".

She was there there the day I finished chemo and celebrated with me.  What a hero; celebrating when she still has a long road of treatments ahead receiving "healing poison".

Please pray for Linda.  The cancer journey has become very difficult lately for her with fever and a nasty cough.  Pray for God's continued care for her.  She never complains and is always cheerful!

My dear friend, Beth; another member of the "Cancer Club" has stage IV Colon Cancer.  Beth continues to use this journey to bring glory to God and speak of His faithfulness.
This photo was taken this winter at a fund raiser for their family. 

Tomorrow, April 11, Beth is headed for a 10-11 hour surgery in Baltimore to remove the tumor on her colon and approx 25% of her liver.  Please PRAY for Beth and her family as they head over the mountain of such major surgery and long recovery.  She will be in the hospital for 10-12 days and then have to remain in Baltimore for an additional week to recover nearby her surgeon and oncologist.  The verse I left with her last night before she left with her dear husband for Baltimore was

Exodus 33:14
"The Lord replied, "My presence will go with you and I will give you rest."

as well as Isaiah 41:10 & 13
Do not fear, for I am with you.  Do not be dismayed for I am your God,
I will strengthen you & help you.  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you,
"do not fear, I will help you!"

So, I'm sure you can see, there is always a "silver lining" in any journey and God sure has blessed me/us with wonderful folks to share the journey with. 


  1. Last night Drew and I were reading Trenton's bible story/devotions. One of the questions was to ask your parents about something bad that God used for good. So Trenton asked Drew. He said your cancer and he talked to Trenton about how you are using this situation to bless others. Thank you for allowing yourself to be used and thank you to all those people out there who blessed you! we love you!

  2. Jul, you certainly put a new, fresh face on the word "cancer". You continue to teach me so much. I love how you shared these dear old and new friends and their journeys. I would love to pray for you and them when God brings you all to my mind, which by the way, is quite often. You all are beautiful through it all and serve an amazing God. Thank you so much for sharing this post.

  3. Dear Jul,
    you are amazing and God is amazing! Thank you for sharing this journey in heartfelt and transparent honesty...your life is a testimony of "going to God's word" as Marian always taught us and His faithfulness to be your refuge and strong tower...we love and you pray for you to gain strength every day. You have blessed us all! love,lori

  4. Jul
    I am so thankful for these dear friends God has brought your way! Praises the treatments are done and praying for renewed strength each day. Love you, Ame

  5. Hi I’m Heather! Please email me, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)

  6. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?



