Saturday, January 28, 2012

Happy Birthday SISTERS

This month of January brings birthdays for both my wonderful sisters...

We work together...
Play together...
Do weddings together...

Cry together...
Do life together..

Whether it's "head shave weekend" or
chemotherapy treatments or just a phone call to check on me.
They are both amazing prayer support.  EVERYONE should be as blessed as I; to have such sisters. 
God gave me gifts; both in January some years ago when each was born into our family. 
And me, the older sister, was thrilled to welcome "baby sister" both times. 

 These two have been thru thick & thin with me since birth,
but especially in the last 5 months.
Today, I thank God for the gift of sisterhood that blesses me all these years
and especially at times like these. 
You two are the bestest! 

Happy January Birthdays to the "sidekicks"
I love you both!


Last Winter at this time,
I had the privilege of gathering with all my "sisters" for a cabin weekend
to celebrate winter birthdays. 
What a gift that time together was. 
You EACH mean the world to me; I am SO thankful for you...

myself, Cyndi, Melissa, Patti, Tina & Beverly

Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Sweet VA daugther

Yesterday, January 22, we celebrated the birthday of our Sweet Virginia Daughter.
I was sad to not be able to spend the day with her as she celebrated God's grace in the last 27 years. 
But am thankful that she and her dear family were here last weekend. 

Happy Birthday Laura!
I am so thankful for Laura and the relationship we share.

She is a wonderful wife and mother of 5.  Their children span in ages from 15 to 6 weeks. 
Somehow, with God's grace, she manages well the varied needs of these dear ones. 
I was thankful to spend time with each last weekend and catch this great photo of their dear family.

Laura has two twins; all three young ladies born the same day, each living in different states; 
One on the west coast; Washington state...I miss you Amber. Happy Birthday!
And the other living in New Jersey.  Happy birthday Mary Grace!
These girls found their common birth as they grew and sometimes shared celebrations or just FUN together.
  I know Laura would have loved to share a celebrate with either one this week.

A dear friend of mine was also giving birth the same time I was back in 1985. 
Her daughter, however was born on January 23 just hours after Laura. 
Happy Birthday Ashley!  I hope your day is very special.

Last weekend we were able to share breakfast at a lovely local restaurant
in celebration of two of my girls & special birthdays. 
Our sweet DIL also had a birthday this past week. 
Happy Birthday Alisa Joy!!  We are SO thankful to have you in our family!

She is full of FUN and care for others.  She is the BEST wife for our son.
Not to mention all her many other talents....

She bakes the BESTEST angel food cake ever!!!
And has even taken prizes for such!

Happy Birthday Week, Alisa!  We love you & thank God for you!!! 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 2012 almost gone

My apologies to any who are wondering why I haven't posted recently. 
The last month has been full and somehow, I didn't find time to blog. 

All is well here in "hooberville".  In the last three weeks,
...I recovered from treatment #3,
...spent all my "good days" preparing for our whole family to gather for Christmas (last weekend),
...spent time celebrating Christ's birth with ALL of our children & grandchildren, 
...had treatment #4
...and now I'm on day 4 after treatment #4.

It's not often enough that the 20 of us can gather for a meal.  This indeed was a blessing.

There are 4 generations on this pic.  God has richly blessed us.

Our 10 precious grandchildren...such rich joy in our lives!

These are some of the blessings of the last few weeks....

Back to the battle at hand...

God is SO faithful to me and amid the downsides & many side effects, I remain encouraged and full of trust in the Lord.  Recently, a friend, send me "Psalm 91" by Peggy Joyce Ruth.  Thanks, friend, for thinking of me and passing on such encouragement.

This book has been a real encouragement to me; not just in this cancer journey but also as I pray for God's protection over our family and our precious grandchildren.

 Psalms 91 has ministered to me in MANY ways since my surgery, beginning with our friend and pastor who visited me in the hospital after my surgery reading...

Psalms 91:1-2,4
 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress,  my God, in whom I trust.”
He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

You see, for us, as former poultry farmers, this verse of God covering us with His feathers and providing the refuge of His wings was very special.  Just think of it.  The picture of a mother hen, covering her chicks with those strong wings of protection...This is what God offers to us.  We only have to depend on Him.

This Psalm continues to minister to me as I depend on God as my refuge for each treatment.  The process is faster and easier now that I have a medi-port.  (My first two infusions were thru veins in my arms.) I am richly blessed by those who call, visit, text and PRAY.  I thank God for you and ask Him to bless you abundantly for your gift to me of prayer support. 

Philippians 1:3  "I thank my God every time I remember you."

These days find me with Advil and an anti-nausea med on a 4-hr regiment.  Headaches and bone aches are common from the neulasta (white cell builder shot which I get after each treatment).  Side effects seem to be building on each other with each progressive treatment.  But at least I am not "hanging over a bucket".  In a few days, I'll be on my "good week" for a few days (if it's like other cycles). and then on to a few tired days before treatment #5.  Oh JOY, only two to go...

Oh, the many things I am thankful for...

-the "side-kick" sisters as they both were here for this treatment.
-prayers of my parents as they enjoy the sunshine in Florida.
-the loving support of our children & grandchildren.
-Advil and other meds...
-worship music.
-the grey hat club...

Grey Hat Club...aqua flowers for the "fight against ovarian cancer"

-the camaraderie of other "cancer patients" whom encourage each other. And the new ones I've met.
-the voice of a grandchild, "I'm sad, grammy, because you don't feel good".  brings tears to my eyes...
-the blessing of having ALL our children & grandchildren here for our Christmas last weekend.
-the gathering of the ENTIRE Garber family last Sunday; all 71 of us.
-the loving support of my good husband.

Maybe we should get a "grey hat" for him???

-the beauty of the weekend snow.  A good reminder; "He washes us whiter than snow" Ps. 51:7
-the use of brow pencil & eye liner as the brows & lashes disappear slowly.
-two new grandsons this year; and a new grandbaby due in May.

Hudson (4 1/2 mo.) Lincoln (1 mo.)

-I could go on and on. 
Almighty God has blessed and taken care of me in countless ways.

Thanks for your visit here...

Monday, January 2, 2012

Divine Appointments

God is ALWAYS in the business of using us for His glory...
We call them Divine appointments in our family and always look forward to hearing of them from each other.

A few examples...

A few weeks ago while in VA with our newborn grandson... my daughter, granddaughter, the two babies & I were in a store to quickly pick something up.  Twice in our short visit there, were "ran into" a beautiful lady.  The second meeting, she again commented about Laura's beautiful babies and their age difference. 

I think she needed a friend.  As the conversation went on about her two sons; the same age difference now in their late early twenties, I looked for an opportunity to say something that would leave a testimony.  Don't remember who said what from our gang, I think it was "God bless you and Merry Christmas!"   but "Tammy" suddenly ask us to pray for her mother who was going thru a very difficult time.  This lead to our telling her of the upcoming Christmas Eve service at Laura & Chris' local church.  Tammy knew of the church and said she would bring her mother there for Christmas Eve.  Laura promised to look for her.  We assured Tammy we would be praying for her mother.  Their paths never crossed on Christmas Eve amid the FULL congregation.  But, God causes us often to pray for Pam & her mother.  It's God's job to bring the heart of man, simply ours to share His truth.
Who knows when they will walk thru the doors of Ironbridge Baptist...

Today, I had a bit of energy (and feeling a bit housebound for the last 5 days was glad to get out abit).
Another Divine Appointment...
I'm simply browsing the shelves in Christmas Clearance and a lovely lady, says to me..."I think I know you."
Well, I'm racking my "chemo brain" thinking I have a bad memory, but I don't think I know this pretty lady.  She comments "yes, I read your blog...your son, is Drew; friend of my nephew..."  the rest is history.  I made a new friend and yes, I believe both of us were encouraged in the Lord and His faithfulness as God crossed our paths in Christmas Clearance.

There was yet another Divine Appointment today...for me.
This one in Aisle 9...different store..

I ran into a young couple who has been serving the Lord in another continent for 2 years.  I haven't seen them in quite some time, but have prayed for them during this time of service in a difficult place.  They're back on the fertile soil of America for 2 weeks now...seeking God's next step for them.  I am confident that God WILL reveal His plan to them in just the right time.
We talked about holding "our plans" with an open hand to God, who wants us to depend on HIM for all decisions.  Afterall, His grace is daily...just enough for each day...

2 Corinthians 12:9
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me."

We both went on to finish our shopping after the encouragement & blessing of "church in aisle 9" (or so my friend called it).  I wonder if the other shoppers in asile 9 saw Jesus; cause I sure did.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day ONE and Day Four...

Happy New Year 2012 to You!

Its Day ONE of a new year...

Imagine the delight of turning a new page with anticipation of what lies ahead...
A new year, new challenges AND new blessings!  Many events that today on January 1, 2012, we know nothing about.  But, my God, our Maker, knows ALL, and has every detail in the palm of His gracious and loving hand.  We have no reason to fear or wonder.  He has it all in control.  Maybe this will be the year our Saviour will return to take us heavenward!  What joy to think of that day!

2 Corinthians 4:18
"We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.
For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

We are here on earth for a purpose, to glorify God and bless His name...Regardless of our situation, regardless of our difficulty.  We look to God's plan in and thru each of life's situations.  I can proclaim His faithfulness for each day, for He IS able to carry us thru.

I will continue to take refuge in You, Almighty God!

Psalms 31:19
"How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you,
which you bestow in the sight of men, on those who take refuge in YOU."

It's also Day FOUR following treatment...

I am thankful for SO many things amid the normal side affects of chemo.  By nature, I simply don't worry about certain side affects until I need to face them head on. 

Treatment on Wednesday went well with my "new" port.  Acutally they cut off a hour of infusion since having the port put in the week prior to Christmas.  One of my sweet DIL transported me to chemo, while a wonderful SIL took me home.  Below are some of my "besties" who gave support. 

Headed home from LGH ...past the halfway mark!

Tuesday, I went for my normal Oncologist appt. & pre-treatment blood work for find that my white cell count continues to drop.  Levels were ok for wednesday's treatment but I needed a "shot of Neulasta" 24 hours following chemo to boost the white cells for next treatment.  So, graciously, my dear mother & dad took me back to the Health Campus on Thursday for this shot. 

I am reminded of Psalms 139:15-18
As I read the beautifully framed verses given to me from a special friend some time ago...

"You know me inside and out, You know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made...
the days of my life all prepared before I even lived one day...."

God has promised,
He knows us; every part of our bodies, He knows what is needed for us each step of the way.

Yes, they tell me I may experience pain in my bones as the Neulasta forces the bone marrow to produce additional white cells in my body.  Headaches, bones pain, along with normal nausea, body aches, exhaustion, etc.  Oh, well, let's see what comes.  I'm looking for all kinds of iron rich and white cell producing foods to add to my diet.  What did we do without "google"?

It's day four and the start of the new year, for me another quiet day at home.  Tim is off to worship at our church for the first time in 2012, while I sit quietly reading and headed for a nap.    The eve of today also found us quiet at home but happy & content.

The nausea, fatigue and body aches are back, bone stuff is attempting but a long hot bath helps.  God is good all the time!  I have wonderful family around me and God's sufficiency for each day!  I'll make it, we're past the halfway mark!  God has a plan in all this; for His glory...

A new year...

1 Peter 1:6
So be truly glad!
There is wonderful joy ahead,
even though the going is rough for a while down here..."