Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Half way mark...3rd treatment

Today, Wednesday Dec 28, marks the halfway mark for my chemo treatments. 
This morning as I awoke two songs played on the christian radio station that blessed my soul, one that helped name this blog; it was fitting that the Lord blessed me in such a way this cold December morning!

"Your name is a strong and mighty tower,
Your name is a shelter like no other...
Your name; let the nations sing it louder...
Nothing has the power to save...
Like YOUR Name." 

I was reminded of the Name of my Saviour, that alone has power to strengthen, save..."that at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess, that He is Lord."
This Christmas we were reminded...

31And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.  32He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:  Luke 1:31, 32

I will rest in the power of His Name today...

The other song reminded me again to trust in Him.

"I know that You can find a way to keep me from the pain,
But I will trust YOU, no matter what!"

I'm not good a remembering artists and the names of their songs, to give them due credit, so this morning, I pray God's blessing on both of these whom God used their words to encourge this heart headed into chemo.

My prayer for today is that I would be a testimony to someone there at LGH in the Infusion Room. (next time I'll be back at Health Campus).  That someone would see Jesus, thru this Cancer Journey we are on.

Thanks for stopping by to visit and for those who have left comments in recent weeks, they SO bless & encourage me.  Thanks for your faithful prayers, love & support.  I am blessed and encouraged by each of you.  Happy New Year and many blessings to you & yours from our Strong Tower, Jesus, Himself...

Proverbs 18:10
The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

Today, I'll find safety in the name of the Lord!!! 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

December 14, 2011...a new grandson

Another gift to add to my list of thanks...
Our 10th grandchild was born this day,  December 14, 2011...a son; "Lincoln Christopher" born to Chris & Laura, in Virginia.  What delight to hear of his birth & recieve pictures via email. 

Just minutes after his birth...

Lincoln meets the rest of the family.
But what even more of a blessing was the gift God gave to me to travel with Tim before Lincoln was 2 days old.  With fatique, etc. from chemo I has asked the Lord many times to be able to travel and help Laura a bit after baby's birth.  Well, God be praised, He gave me energy & strength for the journey as well as the task at hand.

What joy to meet Lincoln and spend time with the rest of the family.  The priviledge of being able to help, cook & clean when Laura was recouperating from baby Lincoln's birth; as well as play games with the older grandchildren, make candy houses, snuggle and read to big brother, Kohler who is now 18 months old.

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We are thankful for...
-Lincoln's safe and healthy arrival,
-for the joy of watching this family adjust and love on their new baby brother,
-the priviledge of gathering together to worship at their wonderful church this Christmas season,
-the blessing of having my parents travel to see their new great-grandson a few days later so I could extend    my stay and my help to Laura. 
-the fun of traveling home with them a few days after Tim headed back to work.

Great Grandma Garber meets Lincoln

Oh the sweetness of a newborn grandchild...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Some days discouragement starts to set in. We all have it from time to time. I look in the mirror; rub my nearly shinny bald head and ask Tim if this is really happening to us.  Somedays it's a bit surreal. Somedays I find it hard to believe we are in the midst of chemotherapy & a cancer diagnosis.

Early this morning I was reading of part of Peter's journey. You'll remember it well...

Matthew 14
Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." "Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." "Come," he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!" Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?" (Matthew 14:25-31 NIV)

I thought about Peter's faith to rise above the seeming impossible (walk on water) as long as he had his eyes on JESUS...he could do what God asked...this time walk on water.

I reflected on my own journey in the last 3 months.  I have all the strength & courage I need for each step as long as my eyes are on Jesus.  But as soon as I take my eyes, my focus, dependence off Him,  its discouragement for me. 

I desperately need Him. 
I need to be in His presence, spending time in His Word, being refreshed for the journey...why so I can face each day with the motivation He has planned for me....for His glory.

aftermath...2 down; 4 to go...

It's a few days following my second treatment and some of the same effects have come to invade my body that were present the first time around.  This round; my GOOD Oncologist, whom I am blessed to be in the care of, prescribed some additional meds for anti-nausea.  They seem to be helping and although I find it difficult to actually eat much of anything, I am able to keep food down.  I Praise the Lord for that!!!  These small things are such gifts from my Heavenly Father.  After day 3, my appetite begins to resume and "comfort foods" appeal and taste good!  Yet, another gift from the Lord. 

The fatigue remains, however, so the first week, my body aches, and the lazy boy again is my close friend!  Two to three hour naps are just part of the day.  But as I get closer to Day 10, I regain a bit more energy...

My hands & feet are often cold, yet, another effect of chemotherapy.  Dr. O says, "snow shoveling is out for me this year".  Sorry, Tim but it's you and the snow blower when the snow flurries come and the temperatures drop. 

But all in all, I am THANKFUL for so many things...
--two down and four to go; before year end, we'll be half way!
--the great care of my Oncologist and chemo nurses!
--the loving support of both our families & our children.
--my wigs to dress up any occasion!
--hats, scarves and "headdresses" to warm my head!
--the ability to keep food down amid nausea.
--the joy and laughter of our grandchildren.
--Christmas music that warms our home!
--the Word of God; which encourages me & warms me like a blanket.
--the loving care of my good husband!!
--tonight's sunset!
--Christmas pictures & greetings from many of you in my mailbox!
--I could go on and on...
--Including a visit from these two at the SAME time...

God has been good to me!

Another survivor!

A few days after having my head shaved I had a visit from my faraway cousin, Jewel.  She & her good husband live in Vancouver, BC, Canada.  Two years ago, Jewel, was diagnosed with "Ovarian Cancer".  She also had a hysterectomy; as well as chemo & radiation.  (Radiation is common treatment in Canada). 

Today, Jewel has a beautiful head of dark hair, excellent blood results (CA125) and is a Survivor!  To God be the glory, He has work for her here on earth!  Her strength has returned and she looks beautifully radiant.  She visited me this afternoon to bring encouragement and blessing!  What a joy it was to spend time with her.  She gave lots of suggestions as well as an "Encouragement NIV Bible".  She has taught me much thru the years, although I rarely have the blessing of her presence due to the miles that separate us.  But, this visit was especially meaningful as we now share the comradery of this dreadful disease.

Jewel as well, lost her hair, she learned alot during that time and showed me some fun ways to "cover my bald head".  Her visit was very timely and such a rich blessing to me!

2nd Treatment December 7, 2011

God in His grace to me; healed my body of the dreadful cough & chest cold I was suffering with after my first treatment just before the second.  Tuesday I began to feel good as new and Wednesday was my treatment.
True to the first, Wed, 12-7 was another rainy day...if I have my guess it will rain again on Dec. 28 when I have my next treatment or maybe it will SNOW! 

There were many blessings in this day, but one was to spend some time with my dear friend, Linda who is also undergoing chemo.  Linda heads weekly to the Infusion Room at the Health Campus for her chemo.  I mentioned her before in my blog as she has been such an encouragement to me in this journey.  Her attitude and heart for the Lord is evident to all who know her.  She is such a blessing to me!  Today, was special in that we got to have our treatments at the same time;  we reserved chairs; side by side and there we "hooked up" for some chemo drugs and conversation.  Some of my pre-meds make me sleepy so I missed some of my time with her, but her radiance flowed over to my chair even while I slept.  There we sat with our wigs on looking quite snazzy for a treatment day.  Mine was shed for another "headdress" as the day pressed on to 8 hours once again.  I regret that we didn't get a picture taken of us that day.

I had some vein trouble this time,  so I will have a "port" put in for my next treatment.  Many chemo patients had a port for easy access for blood draws and chemo infusion.  I'll have this day surgery on Dec. 22.  It's not a big deal, just out-patient and back home to rest for  a few hours then on to enjoy Christ's Birthday with our families.

I had some wonderful visitors, spent some time sleeping, listening to  Bible reading audibly and enjoyed meeting some new folks.
 You can see I am well taken care of my these and other dear neck roll, homemade chicken pot pie and lots of love...
Psalms 46:1 
"God is my refuge and strength; a present help in time of trouble."

This day was also a chemo treatment day for my friend, Mim.  The evening after is usually a decent one for both of us; so Tim & I gathered at Ray & Mim's home with some of their family & friends. 

There we were laughing, hugging in our new "do".  Both have lost our hair and have chosen the hair styles to suit us for the next 6+ months.

 It was great therapy for both to be together again.  We tried on each others wigs and learned some new wraps for "hats".  I am blessed by her friendship and pray for her battle daily.  God has a plan for both of our lives.  We will continue to trust in Him as we fight this cancer with chemo.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Effects of Chemotherapy; hair loss

I awake to "relieve myself" early this Friday morning to the reality of a cold neck & the bedtime accessory of a "night cap". Oh, I think that's a beverage...I mean a "sleep cap". a sleep cap; something I didn't know exhisted until a few weeks ago. Reality hits as crawl back into my warm bed; my hair is gone.

Tim holds me tight as the tears again begin to fall and I whisper to him that I couldn't do this without him. Another gift from the Lord is his love, care & support.

I open God's word to be refreshed once again and read

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18 NIV

This; yet another "mile-marker" in the journey....
Monday morning I realized my hair was starting to fall out; just like they said and by yesterday morning it was just coming out by the dozens.
God know the number of hairs on our head; so I will trust in Him.
As we start our day; Tim prays with me as the tears fall & encourages me that today is probably "the day" to shave.  I laugh amid my tears and tell him I'll be able to get ready to go anywhere faster with a wig!!

I call to confirm an appointment with Stephanie after double checking that my "side kick" can be there for emotional support. Tim offered to go with me but I know that would be more difficult for both of us. Side kick sister will be there & I start my day. I didn't know that shampooing, blow-drying, & styling could bring on such deep emotions. But when one knows it's the last time for 6+ months; it can bring tears.
God seemed to prompt friends to pray as I received texts & messages more than days did they know this was a difficult day!?!

My OH sister texts with confirmation of her prayers for the day. I pick up the phone to call her & words become difficult as we cry together. I keep telling myself that "I'm gonna be strong; God is giving me what it takes for each step of the way.". But this is a tough one.... So much of who we are/what we look like comes from those tiny folicles that make up a style on top our head. We spend time & money to get it just right daily.
I I spend time & money to get my "heart" just right for God's kingdom???

I haven't seen OH "side kick" sister since July even though she has supported me in countless ways during surgery & post-op. But this day; I wish in my heart that I she would be near. I would never say it...but God knows our inner most heart!

I head out for yet another blessing from the Lord; a pre-natal doctor visit with our DIL who will bring us #11 end of May. The "thump thump" of this baby's heart beat brought great Joy to this Grammy's heart as well as the other two generations in the room! God is gracious to me!

The hour has come & I must head to Rothsville for my 4pm we go; me & the Lord.  Because of His grace & faithfulness "I go in the strength of the Lord".

In the day when I cried out, You answered me,  And  made me bold  with  strength in my soul. Psalm 138:3
I arrive to "Classic Images" the home of wigs & emotion for me.  Here is where I met Stephanie some weeks ago. She knows full well the journey of cancer when 3+ years ago: as a young mother of three she faced chemo & surgery. Today she's a survivor!!  She shared with  me of many of the things the Lord taught her thru her journey. One was opening the "wig" division of her hair salon. Here; she weekly ministers to those going thru hair loss for countless reasons. God has given her a gift to gently walk one thru the difficult steps in this part of the journey.

My new friend & fellow survivor!

From my first visit with her; I felt akin.  She is so kind, gentle & understanding to one's situation. I felt like I made a new friend.  So, this Thursday afternoon as I approach her door the tears again begin to flow as I think of her grace to include the "head shaving" in the purchase of a wig.

I walk inside to find standing my Ohio "side kick" sister; and immediately I fall into the embrace of both my sisters in a huge puddle of tears. God knew we all needed to share this & Bev drove the 6 hours that day to "share my pain". God did know my inner most heart and promoted hers as well.  She was already on the road this morning when we spoke.
Amazing support from my sisters...

Yes, any remaining hair is gone now and...
Yes, wigs; scarves & hats will adorn and accessorize the outfit for each day.  I might be blonde, short or long, I might be brunette...You might not find me looking the same. But my heart and motivation to serve & honor my Savior in this journey of cancer will remain the foremost objective.

As I told each of the local grandchildren when I individually showed them "hairless Grammy"..."it's still me! And I love you the same regardless of my head dress".  As a friend encouraged me, Its your eyes that are the window to your heart, not your hair; look inside to what God is doing in the heart of another person.

Thanks for taking the time to visit with me today...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Early Christmas Preperations...Cookie Day

They told me I would have some good days before each treatment; each round and I am so thankful I am.
No, I don't have all my normal energy, but I'm thankful for what I have.  I have spent the last few days
"working ahead" as my dear mother would call it.  Christmas is just days away and my next chemo treatment is December 7.  I'll be "down" for about a week following that.  Our new grandbaby is due in VA on the 15th.  I continue to ask God for strength to help Laura and family after she delivers. and yes, that takes us almost to Christmas this mother/grammy has got to get some things done.

Yesterday was "cookie day" as we call it in Hooberville.  my local daughters & grandchildren gathered in the morning for a day of fun, play and much baking.  Two ovens produced heat most of the day while we rolled, dipped and decorated.  This is an annual event for us that we all anticpate with joy.  This year we baked some of the 14 varieties ahead to savor some "grammy energy".  Beauty abounds as flavors create an amazing aroma in the house.  Children play, babies sleep (a little), and conversations abound.

 Abby & Elizabeth...hiding...


Trays of goodness made for neighbors, friends, gatherings & shut-ins.  Another way to share Christ's love this Christmas!  My heart is full after these hours spent with some I love the most.   The joy of watching these two 5 year olds, and one 4 year old "help" is a treat for me.  Tim agrees that "I did too much" today, but he also agrees with me that "it was worth it".  Off to nap I go, to regain some strength for the coming week.

Thanksgiving 2011

The blessings abound this Thanksgiving season...
God in His faithfulness has given me strength & energy to enjoy this week just 10 days after my first treatment.  Our children spent the day with the "other families" and we spent an intimate Thanksgiving day with my wonderful folks at a beautiful table set for four.  It was wonderful to laugh, eat and play a few games of  "hearts" with these two that have more energy than most late 70 year olds.  Actually they have more energy than most 50+ years olds.  The turkey & trimmings were most delicious and the followship; as always, a RICH blessing!

I spent most of this weekend (aside from a nap here and there) preparing for our children & grandchildren to come for "our" Thanksgiving on sunday night.  It was sheer delight to be able to cook for those I love so dearly for the first time in the months since my surgery.  I had the blessing of being in church and worshiping with other believers at CFC for the first time since chemo.  It brought joy to my heart to hear the music and message.  (Even though my voice is still horse; this cold lingers for TOO long).  I was thrilled to be able to attend and soak in God's richness in our local fellowship.

Sunday evening the joy and laughter arrived as our three local children and 5 local grandchildren arrived for dinner.  The table with full with 4 generations as Tim's folks joined the celebration of Thanks!  It truely was a gift from the Lord that I had energy to prepare and enjoy!  Tim & I had all day saturday to cook & nap SO Sunday was  a delight to both of us.  and yes, everybody brought something to add to the meal!

As we rounded the table with individual expressions of thanks; I was again caught in the grace the Lord has extended to us during this season of life....things often taken for granted like...
- the good care of physicians
- energy to cook a meal
- chemo that kills cancer
- healthy marriages
- support of family
- bonding family relationships
- the encouragement of God's word
- little voices thanking God for healing "grammy"
- the arrival of a new baby this year
- jobs for our good men 
- health insurance
- I could go on and on listing the countless things God has graced our lives with.  We give Him praise in all this and so much more...

As Tim read from Psalms 100 we all looked around the table to see these words printed on the tablecloth.

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,  And into His courts with praise. 
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.  Psalms 100:4

We have  a new tradition, this year.  This table cloth, will be used each year, wherever we gather for Thanksgiving and will be signed by each one in attendence.  I know the signatures will change as the children grow and learn to write their names.  But the challenge remains the same; we have the priviledge of entering into God's presense with thanksgiving & praise; the honor of blessing His name!  What a joy... the opportunity to enter His gates and courts with our meager thanks.

I pray your Thanksgiving was one of deep consideration for all God has showered your life with.