Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cancer Club Friends...

Cancer Club...
Not a club you ever want to be a part of ...
that is unless you have a cancer diagnosis; then if you are like me and a few others, it is quite the place of blessing.  You see, sometimes camaraderie is a blessing from the Lord.

As my dear husband and I have walked this "cancer journey" in the last 7 months, we have found ourselves drawn to others walking a similar path.  We made new friends and strengthened others. Sometimes we contacted them by phone or email or snail mail.  We had coffee or dessert or dinner with them as we shared this path we have found ourselves on; a path specifically designed by Father God. 

We laughed together, we cried; we prayed  and we talked about what its like to process information that you had hoped you would never have to learn about. Somehow we all felt part of this "club" and were intently thankful for each other.

One of our friends; a male also going thru chemo; wanted to try on my wigs and take pictures of the two cancer patients.  We laughed till we cried.

Another friend and I taught each other how to use a pashmina scarf and make it into a turban type hat for "winter covering".  It was warm and perfect for that season.  We had such a good time; laughter was good for the soul.  We journeyed together thru hair loss, dr. appts and chemotherapy.

Another friend sat whispering with me on the sofa about how to process such a diagnosis and the goal of getting well and the celebration of a cruise she and her husband will take when she finishes chemo and radiation treatment for breast cancer.

This is my cousin from Vancouver, CN who was treated for ovarian cancer and is two years out of treatment.  Doesn't she look healthy and great!!  She taught me how to do this head wrap.
She has been a real encouragement to me.

Sometimes we pray together over the phone or text one another verses from scripture that encouraged us that day.  And yes, on chemo day and other days there are text messages back & forth of encouragement with sentiments of love, care and prayers.

Some journeys are more serious than others.  Some are life threatening and others will recover nicely.  Regardless; cancer is never a fun journey.  BUT God is in control and for each of us; He has a plan for His glory.  Tim & I pray faithfully for these we have come to love and care for.

One of my dear friends has battled approx 7 different cancers in the last 11-12 years.  Linda loves the Lord and has truly been my hero in the last 7 months.  She's the one that called following my diagnosis and reminded me that "even in the seeming mistakes along the way, you will see God's hand and leading".  She was right and she knows first hand.  It so happens that Linda receives Chemo treatments regularly at the Health Campus as did I.  Twice we received chemo at the same time.  It was a blessing to see her smiling face and chat a bit while we were "hooked up".   

Here we are chemo and all.  Glad for the company of "friends".

She was there there the day I finished chemo and celebrated with me.  What a hero; celebrating when she still has a long road of treatments ahead receiving "healing poison".

Please pray for Linda.  The cancer journey has become very difficult lately for her with fever and a nasty cough.  Pray for God's continued care for her.  She never complains and is always cheerful!

My dear friend, Beth; another member of the "Cancer Club" has stage IV Colon Cancer.  Beth continues to use this journey to bring glory to God and speak of His faithfulness.
This photo was taken this winter at a fund raiser for their family. 

Tomorrow, April 11, Beth is headed for a 10-11 hour surgery in Baltimore to remove the tumor on her colon and approx 25% of her liver.  Please PRAY for Beth and her family as they head over the mountain of such major surgery and long recovery.  She will be in the hospital for 10-12 days and then have to remain in Baltimore for an additional week to recover nearby her surgeon and oncologist.  The verse I left with her last night before she left with her dear husband for Baltimore was

Exodus 33:14
"The Lord replied, "My presence will go with you and I will give you rest."

as well as Isaiah 41:10 & 13
Do not fear, for I am with you.  Do not be dismayed for I am your God,
I will strengthen you & help you.  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you,
"do not fear, I will help you!"

So, I'm sure you can see, there is always a "silver lining" in any journey and God sure has blessed me/us with wonderful folks to share the journey with. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Life after chemo...

I am almost 4 weeks post chemo and truly this is uncharted waters for anyone finishing chemo treatments. It's rather exciting to see how one "feels", how the body responds, and literally how to go on to a new "normal". One thing for sure; God has a plan for my life and I anticipate Him revealing it on a daily basis.

This morning I was reading the following verse.
Psalms 16:11 "You have made know to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasure at a your right hand."

The most blessed place in life; regardless of the circumstances in "in the presence of the Almighty". I'm not talking about heaven here, but yes, heaven here on earth. Obviously; for those of us who have accepted Jesus as our Savior, heaven; eternity with Jesus is our ultimate goal. But for now, this place we call home (here on earth) should be lived in the presence of the Almighty. There is such peace in His presence; there is joy; there is confidence; there is grace for each moment...I could go on and on. The blessing of being in the presence of God daily: moment by moment affects our whole life. This is all much easier said than done. Everything tugs at our time and our days.
To spend time "in His presence" is somehow a bit different that just opening my Bible, reading & saying a prayer. That's a great place to start... But taking the time and energy to really focus on WHO He is and seeking His direction & wisdom for the day becomes such a rich time of hearing from Him and having my mind & heart transformed into His plan for my day. The privilege we have to spend time with God in His Word is a gift... And truly these are the times when God speaks the most clearly to me: when I take the time to go into His presence and "hear" from Him. I continue to trust in Him.

Lamentations 3:24-26
I say to myself, "the Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him."

The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him. It is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.

On Thursday I had blood work and a post-chemo appt with my Oncologist. We thank the Lord for the good report on my cancer blood work. It is at normal levels for ovarian cancer.
My other blood levels have headed downward before heading back to normal. This is all a result of the chemo in my body. The chemo drugs are good for killing cancer cells but also can do some damage to other parts of the body. My white cell count and platelet counts in particular have dropped significantly. This will take some time. The nutritional supplements I take should help build them back to normal levels in time.

I will have blood work weekly to keep tract of these. As a result of these low levels; energy has not yet returned to normal. I have been feeling so good, that, I must discipline myself to "rest" daily or I pay... I still have some neuropathy (numbness & tingling) in my hands & feet. This can take months for the nerves to get back to normal. And my head remains bald. On the flipside, I still don't have to shave my legs. Haha. There's always a "silver lining". They say the hair growth is a good sign that the chemo drugs are leaving the body. so, we'll wait and see how long it takes. I'm told my hair is likely to come in grey and curley. I will just be fun to see... Until then, you might see me in a lightweight cap like this. I have so much to be thankful for.
 This is Hudson our 6 1/2 mo. grandson.  Who is enamored by my cap...and I am enamored by his sweetness.

Thanks for visiting me today!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Round 6...Final

This morning I was reading the following passage from Psalms and the Lord greatly encouraged my heart...
so much so that I had to share it.
It sounds like rain today; which is no surprise.  I think it rained 5 out of the 6 treatment days.
Must be God showering His goodness on me...

Passage from Psalms 119: 105-114

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
I have taken an oath and confirmed it, that I will follow your righteous laws.
I have suffered much; preserve my life, LORD, according to your word. 

 Accept, LORD, the willing praise of my mouth, and teach me your laws.
Though I constantly take my life in my hands, I will not forget your law.
The wicked have set a snare for me, but I have not strayed from your precepts.
Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart.
My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end.[d]

 I hate double-minded people, but I love your law.
You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.

My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end...(vs.112)

God has a plan and I will serve Him in it!!!
Anxious to see what the next chapter looks like; one day at a time...

To God be the glory!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Eve of Final Treatment

It's the eve of my final chemotherapy treatment.   WooHoo!!
Tomorrow, last day of February, 2012 (good thing its leap year so I could be done before March). I will finish my 6 rounds of chemo in less than 4 months.

God has been SO faithful to have my blood work suitable for each treatment; even through the help of a "neulasta shot"  to boost my white blood cells for some of the treatments.

These last few months have been full of God's faithfulness in SO many ways.
I have SO much to be thankful for and even though, I have yet to endure the aftermath of round 6 and allow my body to de-tox all the "healing poison" of the last few months...I rejoice in God; my Saviour!

When I start this blog I used the name "He is my Strong Tower" and indeed God has been my Strong Tower; a shelter in the storm..
Psalm 61:3
For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe.

He has so often encouraged my heart as we walked this journey foreign to us in so many ways.  Many times scriptures were  just "right" for the day or the discouragement... 
Other times, a card or knock at the door was the bright spot God used to remind me of His grace & goodness.
I held onto "His righteous right hand" for each step of the way...
Just last night I was sharing these verse with a good friend also fighting a battle with cancer...

Isaiah 41:9b-10; 13
‘You are my servant’;  I have chosen you and have not rejected you.
10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

13 For I am the LORD your God  who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;  I will help you.

Yes, countless verses like this one God used to encourage my heart.  It's amazing the peace His Word brings in the midst of questioning and dispair.

Just last week, I was reading in a devotional about Trust & Thankfulness.  Those two things have been utmost in my journey.  Placinmg my trust in my Saviour and reviewing ALL the things I have to be thankful for.

Among my thanks...
-The rich blessing of prayer support... reminders of believers (some I don't even know) praying faithfully and the gift of those I love regularly praying for me/us.
-The phone calls & texts to check in and see how I'm doing...
-The flowers, cards, visits, food, and many other thoughtful gestures.
-Those who visited me at chemo even though I slept thru the visit with conversation & eyes opened.  Those medications make me SO tired!
-Those who transported me to and from chemo, and other medical appointments.
-Wonderful parents on both sides to assist in SO many ways.
-Amazing siblings to both Tim & I who pray & encourage.
-The side-kick sisters, who attend to so many needs and were with me thru thick & thin.
-The love and support of our children amid their own busy lives.
-Our grandchildren who call and make me cards to show their love.
-The faithful love and care of my beloved husband of 35 years in March.
-The grace & faithfulness of my Lord & Saviour.

-Everyone should be as blessed to have such amazing love & support from family & friends.

I thank the Lord for each of you and ask Him to shower you with His goodness and blessing for all you have done for us.

I expect the next month to be similar to the weeks following other treatments; but to actually finish this course is rather exciting!  It's starting to feel like a reality and you might just hear me do the "victory dance" of praise to the Lord from the Lancaster Health Campus when I'm done...
God be praised for great things He has done!

My wonderful Oncologist; Dr. Oyer tells me I'll come back for blood work & an exam in one month; then 4 weeks later more blood work as well as a CT scan.  Then I will be on a 3 month rotation of blood work and CT for several years.  If all is well, eventually the appointments will go to a 6 month rotation.

Cancer is a scary thing; one never knows when it might rear its ugly head again...But God is in control of my life and He has my days numbered for His glory. Therefore; I WILL TRUST in HIM and not fear! 
He has a plan in all of this...and its for His glory.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I come from a large family of 6 children.  The generations live from PA to Ohio and Virginia. 
There are 4 generations of over 70 dear ones. 

It is a very Rare occasion that we ALL are able to gather together. 
But this January God blessed us with this opprotunity as we gathered for our Christmas celebration.  EVERYONE had planned to be in attendance; so my precious mother did lots of planning to have a family picture taken.  This was quite a task, but one that she did with ease; to find a location, professional photographer and common time for all.  You are truely amazing, mother, your energy at 78 blesses me; I can only hope that I have 1/2 of your stamina at your age...

The four generation of the  James M. Garber Family

Our family makes up 20 of the 70+ 

These are our 10 grandchildren ranging in age from 15 to 1 month. 
Our hearts and arms are delightfully BLESSED!!

Below are some fun pictures I snapped during our early morning photo session
My beautiful neice & nephew...siblings
My nephew's wife and their daughter, my great-neice
Cousins sometimes show up dressed in similar shirts!

These cousins, 2 of my beautiful granddaughters had matching dresses.
And these cousins, my grandsons looked great in their stripped sweaters!
These two cousins, live states apart, but love each other & are together whenever they are able!

Soon we all gathered in a large room at the location of choice 
where my beautiful niece graced us with her glorious piano music. 

After we sang a few Christmas carols together and read "The CHRISTMAS Story" from Luke 2,
My wonderful dad, & mother began the task of calling each name and presenting each with a small gift bag.
He asked each to wait to open the gift until all had recieved.

Inside the bag was a shirt for each family member. 

All 71 of the family dressed in the Garber Family Shirts.
 Check out the 72 taped onto the front of our DIL shirt as she carrys the next great grandchild.  73 is taped on the shirt of my neice who is due a few weeks after #73, (the number is not visable on this picture).

Yes, each person's shirt was colored according to the generation they belong...
Dad & Mother in white,
their children & spouses in red
Grandchildren & spouse in tan
Great grandchildren in black
Each one numbered as they entered the family!

These are our two daughters with 70 & 71 in their arms. 

My precious parents #1 and #2
flanked by the orginal siblings #3 thru #8

My dad always says, "it all started with a walk in the park..." with my mother.
It is fitting that the line would be part of the logo of the family shirts.
These shirts are a tribute to my dear parents, their love for each other and their Saviour!
As well as the fine way their raised their family and continue to bless the generations to follow.

From there we all gathered at the home of my sister & BIL for Christmas dinner. 
Each had a seat and felt the fine hospitality of these two and my gracious sister & BIL.

These two handsome young men, cut & served the PRIME RIB.
They are the sons of my sister & BIL in Ohio who own & operate Duma Meats...
There is always Duma Prime Rib; compliments of my parents at Christmas Dinner.

My family is such a gift from the Lord; as you can see I am richly blessed!

Thanks for taking the time to visit me here...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

A few nights ago I was an invited guest to the home of a friend for "Valentine's Ladies Night Out". It was a secret invitation to which we were asked not to discuss with anyone. In other words we were not to guess just who else might be an honored quest. We were asked to wear pink and black.    

I was thrilled beyond words to recieve such an invitation. Knowing the hostess for countless years I KNOW she is indeed the "party queen". She knows how to make her quests feel very special in every way as well as many glorious decorations. (this is a talent shared by her two sisters as well).  As one of the quests described her feelings upon receipt of the invite; I think we all agreed, we were "giddy" with delight to be included in this evening of FUN & SURPRISE.

It was indeed a priviledge and blessing to sit among these wonderful friends; all of whom I know well from a Bible Study we all attended years ago.  Our gracious hostess served us at the most BEAUTIFUL table set with pink.  One dear friend has to miss as she held her precious grandson in Colorado.

A priceless gift of long time friendship...

The table was absolutely beautiful complete with a foil heart tree...

Heart Shaped cheese topped the delicious Tomatoe Bisque on a heart plate!

Dessert of a petite cake with fresh strawberries & ice cream!

A few nights later on Valentines Day itself, my beloved Valentine; husband of almost 35 years & I were invited to a special dinner at the home of our daughter, SIL and family.  This was indeed a treat as energy is limited during the aftermath of chemo.  This precious one greeted us.

She helped her mother with the preperations for the evening and carefully placed a kabob on each china plate.  There were conversation hearts on the table and pink dollies with Bible verses of love.

Heart shaped homemade mini pizza with heart pepperoni for appetizers.

It was a delicious dinner complete with the love of three of our precious grandchildren
filling the room with laughter & fun.   

God, the author of LOVE has given to each of us the gift of His Son, the BEST love gift of all.  Salvation in Jesus' Name!
Without that gift, I am certain, I don't have the ability to love the way He wants me to love.

Today, I am grateful for His gift of love & salvation for me personally;
a gift that allows me to share and recieve love in a capacity otherwise unknown to man.

Afterall, Valentine's day is about love...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February before #5

Happy Anniversary to our sweet daughter and SIL, Laura & Chris.  I hope you had a very special day celebrating God's goodness to you.  I pray God's blessing for many more happy years together.

Tomorrow, I head into the Health Campus for Round 5 of Chemotherapy.  I met with my wonderful Oncologist and he cleared me once again for treatment.  I thank the Lord for such a caring and intelligent doctor.  I told him I'm ready for this treatment if only I could skip over the "aftermath" of chemo.  But since that isn't possible, we take the "good" (that the chemo is doing) with the "bad" of the following days.

A few blessings in my day...

-This reading during my devotions today;
"You are on the path of My choosing, so do not give up!  Hope in ME, for you will again praise ME for the help of My presence"   as spoken by my Saviour.. ("Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young)
Psalms 42:11
"Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God"

-A song on the radio that blessed me richly.
These are just some of the lyrics, but they really ministered to me.   She says it so well and truely it fits this journey pretty well.   There's NO way I can make it without His help.  What a blessing to KNOW Jesus as my Lord and Savior and KNOW that He will see me thru.

-Kerrie Roberts

I’m running back to Your promises, one more time
Lord that’s all I can hold on to
I’ve got to say this has taken me, by surprise
But nothing surprises You
Before a heartache, can ever touch my life
It has to go through Your hands
And even though I, I keep asking why
I keep asking why

No matter what, I’m gonna love You
No matter what, I’m gonna need You
I know that You can find a way to keep me from the pain
But if not, if not - I’ll trust You
No matter what

No matter what

When I’m stuck in this nothingness, by myself
I’m just sitting in silence
There’s no way I can make it, without Your helpI won’t even try it
I know You have Your reasons, for everything
So I will keep believing
Whatever I might be feeling
God You are my hope, and You’ll be my strength
No matter what, I’m gonna love You
No matter what, I’m gonna need You

I know that You can find a way to keep me from the pain
But if not, if not - I’ll trust You
No matter what

No matter what

Thanks friends, for your faithful prayers and for visiting me here.  May God be honored in this cancer journey and may I glorify Him tomorrow as I head to chemo with my amazing nurses and caregivers there. 
I am so thankful for each one.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Happy Birthday SISTERS

This month of January brings birthdays for both my wonderful sisters...

We work together...
Play together...
Do weddings together...

Cry together...
Do life together..

Whether it's "head shave weekend" or
chemotherapy treatments or just a phone call to check on me.
They are both amazing prayer support.  EVERYONE should be as blessed as I; to have such sisters. 
God gave me gifts; both in January some years ago when each was born into our family. 
And me, the older sister, was thrilled to welcome "baby sister" both times. 

 These two have been thru thick & thin with me since birth,
but especially in the last 5 months.
Today, I thank God for the gift of sisterhood that blesses me all these years
and especially at times like these. 
You two are the bestest! 

Happy January Birthdays to the "sidekicks"
I love you both!


Last Winter at this time,
I had the privilege of gathering with all my "sisters" for a cabin weekend
to celebrate winter birthdays. 
What a gift that time together was. 
You EACH mean the world to me; I am SO thankful for you...

myself, Cyndi, Melissa, Patti, Tina & Beverly

Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Sweet VA daugther

Yesterday, January 22, we celebrated the birthday of our Sweet Virginia Daughter.
I was sad to not be able to spend the day with her as she celebrated God's grace in the last 27 years. 
But am thankful that she and her dear family were here last weekend. 

Happy Birthday Laura!
I am so thankful for Laura and the relationship we share.

She is a wonderful wife and mother of 5.  Their children span in ages from 15 to 6 weeks. 
Somehow, with God's grace, she manages well the varied needs of these dear ones. 
I was thankful to spend time with each last weekend and catch this great photo of their dear family.

Laura has two twins; all three young ladies born the same day, each living in different states; 
One on the west coast; Washington state...I miss you Amber. Happy Birthday!
And the other living in New Jersey.  Happy birthday Mary Grace!
These girls found their common birth as they grew and sometimes shared celebrations or just FUN together.
  I know Laura would have loved to share a celebrate with either one this week.

A dear friend of mine was also giving birth the same time I was back in 1985. 
Her daughter, however was born on January 23 just hours after Laura. 
Happy Birthday Ashley!  I hope your day is very special.

Last weekend we were able to share breakfast at a lovely local restaurant
in celebration of two of my girls & special birthdays. 
Our sweet DIL also had a birthday this past week. 
Happy Birthday Alisa Joy!!  We are SO thankful to have you in our family!

She is full of FUN and care for others.  She is the BEST wife for our son.
Not to mention all her many other talents....

She bakes the BESTEST angel food cake ever!!!
And has even taken prizes for such!

Happy Birthday Week, Alisa!  We love you & thank God for you!!! 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 2012 almost gone

My apologies to any who are wondering why I haven't posted recently. 
The last month has been full and somehow, I didn't find time to blog. 

All is well here in "hooberville".  In the last three weeks,
...I recovered from treatment #3,
...spent all my "good days" preparing for our whole family to gather for Christmas (last weekend),
...spent time celebrating Christ's birth with ALL of our children & grandchildren, 
...had treatment #4
...and now I'm on day 4 after treatment #4.

It's not often enough that the 20 of us can gather for a meal.  This indeed was a blessing.

There are 4 generations on this pic.  God has richly blessed us.

Our 10 precious grandchildren...such rich joy in our lives!

These are some of the blessings of the last few weeks....

Back to the battle at hand...

God is SO faithful to me and amid the downsides & many side effects, I remain encouraged and full of trust in the Lord.  Recently, a friend, send me "Psalm 91" by Peggy Joyce Ruth.  Thanks, friend, for thinking of me and passing on such encouragement.

This book has been a real encouragement to me; not just in this cancer journey but also as I pray for God's protection over our family and our precious grandchildren.

 Psalms 91 has ministered to me in MANY ways since my surgery, beginning with our friend and pastor who visited me in the hospital after my surgery reading...

Psalms 91:1-2,4
 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress,  my God, in whom I trust.”
He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

You see, for us, as former poultry farmers, this verse of God covering us with His feathers and providing the refuge of His wings was very special.  Just think of it.  The picture of a mother hen, covering her chicks with those strong wings of protection...This is what God offers to us.  We only have to depend on Him.

This Psalm continues to minister to me as I depend on God as my refuge for each treatment.  The process is faster and easier now that I have a medi-port.  (My first two infusions were thru veins in my arms.) I am richly blessed by those who call, visit, text and PRAY.  I thank God for you and ask Him to bless you abundantly for your gift to me of prayer support. 

Philippians 1:3  "I thank my God every time I remember you."

These days find me with Advil and an anti-nausea med on a 4-hr regiment.  Headaches and bone aches are common from the neulasta (white cell builder shot which I get after each treatment).  Side effects seem to be building on each other with each progressive treatment.  But at least I am not "hanging over a bucket".  In a few days, I'll be on my "good week" for a few days (if it's like other cycles). and then on to a few tired days before treatment #5.  Oh JOY, only two to go...

Oh, the many things I am thankful for...

-the "side-kick" sisters as they both were here for this treatment.
-prayers of my parents as they enjoy the sunshine in Florida.
-the loving support of our children & grandchildren.
-Advil and other meds...
-worship music.
-the grey hat club...

Grey Hat Club...aqua flowers for the "fight against ovarian cancer"

-the camaraderie of other "cancer patients" whom encourage each other. And the new ones I've met.
-the voice of a grandchild, "I'm sad, grammy, because you don't feel good".  brings tears to my eyes...
-the blessing of having ALL our children & grandchildren here for our Christmas last weekend.
-the gathering of the ENTIRE Garber family last Sunday; all 71 of us.
-the loving support of my good husband.

Maybe we should get a "grey hat" for him???

-the beauty of the weekend snow.  A good reminder; "He washes us whiter than snow" Ps. 51:7
-the use of brow pencil & eye liner as the brows & lashes disappear slowly.
-two new grandsons this year; and a new grandbaby due in May.

Hudson (4 1/2 mo.) Lincoln (1 mo.)

-I could go on and on. 
Almighty God has blessed and taken care of me in countless ways.

Thanks for your visit here...