Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Sweet VA daugther

Yesterday, January 22, we celebrated the birthday of our Sweet Virginia Daughter.
I was sad to not be able to spend the day with her as she celebrated God's grace in the last 27 years. 
But am thankful that she and her dear family were here last weekend. 

Happy Birthday Laura!
I am so thankful for Laura and the relationship we share.

She is a wonderful wife and mother of 5.  Their children span in ages from 15 to 6 weeks. 
Somehow, with God's grace, she manages well the varied needs of these dear ones. 
I was thankful to spend time with each last weekend and catch this great photo of their dear family.

Laura has two twins; all three young ladies born the same day, each living in different states; 
One on the west coast; Washington state...I miss you Amber. Happy Birthday!
And the other living in New Jersey.  Happy birthday Mary Grace!
These girls found their common birth as they grew and sometimes shared celebrations or just FUN together.
  I know Laura would have loved to share a celebrate with either one this week.

A dear friend of mine was also giving birth the same time I was back in 1985. 
Her daughter, however was born on January 23 just hours after Laura. 
Happy Birthday Ashley!  I hope your day is very special.

Last weekend we were able to share breakfast at a lovely local restaurant
in celebration of two of my girls & special birthdays. 
Our sweet DIL also had a birthday this past week. 
Happy Birthday Alisa Joy!!  We are SO thankful to have you in our family!

She is full of FUN and care for others.  She is the BEST wife for our son.
Not to mention all her many other talents....

She bakes the BESTEST angel food cake ever!!!
And has even taken prizes for such!

Happy Birthday Week, Alisa!  We love you & thank God for you!!! 


  1. Happy Birthday to Laura!!! I admire her mothering the five she small feat to be sure!!!! So glad they have her in their lives. Someday they will look back and recognize how much she did for them, and her influence will be appreciated!

    You are looking so beautiful Jul. I'm sure you don't always feel it, but you do. I am so anticipating this 'season' (ie: cancer) being behind you, but I also recognize it has forever changed you for the good too.

  2. God sure has blessed you with a beautiful family. I must tell you that I enjoy every visit to your blog, and I thank God for the way He carries you through your journey of life.

    Happy Birthday to Laura! I loved seeing these pictures of her dear family.

    Thinking about you and praying for you this week.
