Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day ONE and Day Four...

Happy New Year 2012 to You!

Its Day ONE of a new year...

Imagine the delight of turning a new page with anticipation of what lies ahead...
A new year, new challenges AND new blessings!  Many events that today on January 1, 2012, we know nothing about.  But, my God, our Maker, knows ALL, and has every detail in the palm of His gracious and loving hand.  We have no reason to fear or wonder.  He has it all in control.  Maybe this will be the year our Saviour will return to take us heavenward!  What joy to think of that day!

2 Corinthians 4:18
"We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.
For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

We are here on earth for a purpose, to glorify God and bless His name...Regardless of our situation, regardless of our difficulty.  We look to God's plan in and thru each of life's situations.  I can proclaim His faithfulness for each day, for He IS able to carry us thru.

I will continue to take refuge in You, Almighty God!

Psalms 31:19
"How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you,
which you bestow in the sight of men, on those who take refuge in YOU."

It's also Day FOUR following treatment...

I am thankful for SO many things amid the normal side affects of chemo.  By nature, I simply don't worry about certain side affects until I need to face them head on. 

Treatment on Wednesday went well with my "new" port.  Acutally they cut off a hour of infusion since having the port put in the week prior to Christmas.  One of my sweet DIL transported me to chemo, while a wonderful SIL took me home.  Below are some of my "besties" who gave support. 

Headed home from LGH ...past the halfway mark!

Tuesday, I went for my normal Oncologist appt. & pre-treatment blood work for find that my white cell count continues to drop.  Levels were ok for wednesday's treatment but I needed a "shot of Neulasta" 24 hours following chemo to boost the white cells for next treatment.  So, graciously, my dear mother & dad took me back to the Health Campus on Thursday for this shot. 

I am reminded of Psalms 139:15-18
As I read the beautifully framed verses given to me from a special friend some time ago...

"You know me inside and out, You know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made...
the days of my life all prepared before I even lived one day...."

God has promised,
He knows us; every part of our bodies, He knows what is needed for us each step of the way.

Yes, they tell me I may experience pain in my bones as the Neulasta forces the bone marrow to produce additional white cells in my body.  Headaches, bones pain, along with normal nausea, body aches, exhaustion, etc.  Oh, well, let's see what comes.  I'm looking for all kinds of iron rich and white cell producing foods to add to my diet.  What did we do without "google"?

It's day four and the start of the new year, for me another quiet day at home.  Tim is off to worship at our church for the first time in 2012, while I sit quietly reading and headed for a nap.    The eve of today also found us quiet at home but happy & content.

The nausea, fatigue and body aches are back, bone stuff is attempting but a long hot bath helps.  God is good all the time!  I have wonderful family around me and God's sufficiency for each day!  I'll make it, we're past the halfway mark!  God has a plan in all this; for His glory...

A new year...

1 Peter 1:6
So be truly glad!
There is wonderful joy ahead,
even though the going is rough for a while down here..."


  1. When I gave you that framed Psalms 139, little did I know how really comforting it would be for you to know how dearly He loves you, how well He knows you, and how very, very special you are to Him. Jul, if I could only do something to erase your heart and pain, I would. We are walking with you, hurting with you, praying with you and loving you through this wilderness journey. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. It helps us know how to pray for you.

  2. the scriptures sure are giving you the right perspective thru this trial, amazing how we need to refuel and refresh so often, we always need reminders of who God is, where we're going etc... love, Ginger
