Monday, January 2, 2012

Divine Appointments

God is ALWAYS in the business of using us for His glory...
We call them Divine appointments in our family and always look forward to hearing of them from each other.

A few examples...

A few weeks ago while in VA with our newborn grandson... my daughter, granddaughter, the two babies & I were in a store to quickly pick something up.  Twice in our short visit there, were "ran into" a beautiful lady.  The second meeting, she again commented about Laura's beautiful babies and their age difference. 

I think she needed a friend.  As the conversation went on about her two sons; the same age difference now in their late early twenties, I looked for an opportunity to say something that would leave a testimony.  Don't remember who said what from our gang, I think it was "God bless you and Merry Christmas!"   but "Tammy" suddenly ask us to pray for her mother who was going thru a very difficult time.  This lead to our telling her of the upcoming Christmas Eve service at Laura & Chris' local church.  Tammy knew of the church and said she would bring her mother there for Christmas Eve.  Laura promised to look for her.  We assured Tammy we would be praying for her mother.  Their paths never crossed on Christmas Eve amid the FULL congregation.  But, God causes us often to pray for Pam & her mother.  It's God's job to bring the heart of man, simply ours to share His truth.
Who knows when they will walk thru the doors of Ironbridge Baptist...

Today, I had a bit of energy (and feeling a bit housebound for the last 5 days was glad to get out abit).
Another Divine Appointment...
I'm simply browsing the shelves in Christmas Clearance and a lovely lady, says to me..."I think I know you."
Well, I'm racking my "chemo brain" thinking I have a bad memory, but I don't think I know this pretty lady.  She comments "yes, I read your blog...your son, is Drew; friend of my nephew..."  the rest is history.  I made a new friend and yes, I believe both of us were encouraged in the Lord and His faithfulness as God crossed our paths in Christmas Clearance.

There was yet another Divine Appointment today...for me.
This one in Aisle 9...different store..

I ran into a young couple who has been serving the Lord in another continent for 2 years.  I haven't seen them in quite some time, but have prayed for them during this time of service in a difficult place.  They're back on the fertile soil of America for 2 weeks now...seeking God's next step for them.  I am confident that God WILL reveal His plan to them in just the right time.
We talked about holding "our plans" with an open hand to God, who wants us to depend on HIM for all decisions.  Afterall, His grace is daily...just enough for each day...

2 Corinthians 12:9
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me."

We both went on to finish our shopping after the encouragement & blessing of "church in aisle 9" (or so my friend called it).  I wonder if the other shoppers in asile 9 saw Jesus; cause I sure did.


  1. In case you forget.....
    I love you!
    Keep resting in Jesus!
    - side kick # 1

  2. Jul, the Lord orders our steps. Many days, I'll ask the Lord to orchestrate my steps, cuz He knows who I'm s'posed to "bump" into. God bless and am praying!! Love, Ginger

  3. Dearest Jul,
    I woke early this morning, 4:40, and as I lay there began praying for family and friends and was trying to decide whether to get up yet when a prayer for Allan that I have taped to the ceiling above my side of the bed literally fell in my face! Somewhat startled at first, : ) I said 'ok, Lord' that was pretty clear! I always ask him to make things simple for me! I made my way to the kitchen, put the coffee on and turned to find some mail on the table that I had not yet seen...your beautiful Valentine's Day card greeting me on this beautiful snow laden morning. I read through your blog, enjoying so very much seeing your beautiful family, and fell to my knees on your behalf... I am sorry that I did not know of your journey thru the last few months until now, but I promise to join the many others who are lifting you to our precious Father...I love you my dear, dear friend and pray that today is a good day for you...I would love to talk sometime, but knowing that your days and strength probably dictate much, I will look forward to keeping up with you this way and if the Lord allows, along the way maybe will find a way to hear your sweeet voice as well...
    "...and He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways." Psalm 91:ll

    "now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we could ask or Him be glory!" Eph. 3:20

    God bless you today and always, wrapping you in His grace and peace as you look to Him each moment.
    Jan Monfils
