Wednesday, December 14, 2011

aftermath...2 down; 4 to go...

It's a few days following my second treatment and some of the same effects have come to invade my body that were present the first time around.  This round; my GOOD Oncologist, whom I am blessed to be in the care of, prescribed some additional meds for anti-nausea.  They seem to be helping and although I find it difficult to actually eat much of anything, I am able to keep food down.  I Praise the Lord for that!!!  These small things are such gifts from my Heavenly Father.  After day 3, my appetite begins to resume and "comfort foods" appeal and taste good!  Yet, another gift from the Lord. 

The fatigue remains, however, so the first week, my body aches, and the lazy boy again is my close friend!  Two to three hour naps are just part of the day.  But as I get closer to Day 10, I regain a bit more energy...

My hands & feet are often cold, yet, another effect of chemotherapy.  Dr. O says, "snow shoveling is out for me this year".  Sorry, Tim but it's you and the snow blower when the snow flurries come and the temperatures drop. 

But all in all, I am THANKFUL for so many things...
--two down and four to go; before year end, we'll be half way!
--the great care of my Oncologist and chemo nurses!
--the loving support of both our families & our children.
--my wigs to dress up any occasion!
--hats, scarves and "headdresses" to warm my head!
--the ability to keep food down amid nausea.
--the joy and laughter of our grandchildren.
--Christmas music that warms our home!
--the Word of God; which encourages me & warms me like a blanket.
--the loving care of my good husband!!
--tonight's sunset!
--Christmas pictures & greetings from many of you in my mailbox!
--I could go on and on...
--Including a visit from these two at the SAME time...

God has been good to me!

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