Saturday, October 15, 2011

Surgery Day; September 16, 2011

Surgery Day came and Tim took me to Womens & Babies Hospital where he waited with my folks, my dear sister, Melissa and our daughter Tara & her new baby, Hudson, only 9 days old.

If I had one fear in all of this, worse than the fear that I had cancer; was the fear that they would find cancer; come out and tell Tim (& our children) while I was still under and we would have to deal with such news seperately; instead of together as a couple or family.  God is SO good to me; He even answered that prayer before I asked Him specifically for it.

My last memory before I went under was that of Psalms 23 as I recited it in my memory; Knowing full well that God was present in that surgery room and that He holds ALL things in His hands.

Dr. May found that the cyst/mass that she saw with the scope was much larger than she expected, so she called in the oncologist and went ahead to do the hysterectomy.
They did a frozen section and it tested begnign.  The oncologist told Tim & Tara that he did not see and cancer but that all specimens would be sent to pathology and we would get a report probably by wednesday.

I awoke to the knowledge of a full hysterectomy.  AND the good news that they didn't think there was any cancer.  I was able to focus on getting awake and recovering.

I was in the hospital until Monday evening, September 19, when Tim brought me home and lovingly cared for me here.  It's a slow recovery but I God was beginning the healing process in my body.

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